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Hongcheon Ginseng & Hanwoo Myeongpum Festival (홍천 인삼한우명품축제)

Hongcheon Ginseng & Hanwoo Myeongpum Festival (홍천 인삼한우명품축제)

- Homepage :
- Tel : +82-33-439-5800
The Hongcheon Ginseng & Hanwoo Myeongpum Festival is held annually in October in the city of Hongcheon. The natural clean air and water help this area to have excellent quality ginseng and hanu (Korean beef), for which it is famous. Inside the festival venue is a self-serve restaurant for visitors to try these specialties at a discounted price.
- Address : Galmagok-ri, Hongcheon-eup, Hongcheon-gun, Gangwon-do
※ Introduction Information
- Age limit :
- Booking place :
- Discount info :
- Event date : 20241003 ~ 20241006
- Time
- Homepage :
- Place : Tori Forest
- Place Info

- Program

- Spend time :
- Host
- Host tel : +82-33-439-5800
- Supervisor
Hongcheon Cultural Foundation
- Supervisor tel : +82-33-439-5800
- Subevent

- Fee

- Introduction : The Hongcheon Ginseng & Hanwoo Myeongpum Festival is held annually in October in the city of Hongcheon. The natural clean air and water help this area to have excellent quality ginseng and hanu (Korean beef), for which it is famous. Inside the festival venue is a self-serve restaurant for visitors to try these specialties at a discounted price.

강원홍천 인삼한우 명품축제 (1)
홍천 인삼 한우 명품축제_2
홍천 인삼 한우 명품축제_3
2024 홍천 인삼한우명품축제 포스터

This work was created by the Korea Tourism Organization for 24 years and opened as the first type of public Nuri. You can download it for free from the Korea Tourism Organization,


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