SEA LIFE Busan Aquarium (SEA LIFE 부산아쿠아리움)
SEA LIFE Busan Aquarium (SEA LIFE 부산아쿠아리움)
- Homepage : Tel : +82-51-740-1700
The Busan Aquarium takes visitors into the exciting world of life under the sea. The aquarium covers an area of 36,000 ㎡ and is spread over 3 underground levels and one above-ground level with different sections divided into special themes. The underwater tunnel experience resembles a walk along the ocean floor with various sea creatures swimming above, serving as a popular attraction within the aquarium. The aquarium is home to over 250 different species of fish, algae, reptiles, and amphibians, including large sharks, turtles, seahorses, and more, for a total of over 10,000 sea creatures.
- Address : 266 Haeundaehaebyeon-ro, Haeundae-gu, Busan
※ Introduction Information
- Ccapacity :
- Inquiries and Guides
- Parking : Available
- Parking fee :
- Rest date : N/A (Open all year round)
- Use fee : Adults 31,000 won / Children 26,500 won / Senior citizens 20,000 won * Children under 3 years enter free
- Use time : Weekdays 10:00-19:00 / Weekends 10:00-20:00
- Scale :
- Touring Time :
- Program Information : Clear shark boat, VR experience, etc.
- Reservations : Group visitors must make a reservation in advance
Inquiries: +82-51-740-1711
This work was created by the Korea Tourism Organization for 24 years and opened as the first type of public Nuri. You can download it for free from the Korea Tourism Organization,
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