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Cheorwon Hantangang Milky Way Bridge (철원 한탄강 은하수교)

Cheorwon Hantangang Milky Way Bridge (철원 한탄강 은하수교)

- Homepage :
- Tel : +82-33-450-5365
The area of Hantangang River is a UNESCO Global Geopark. The Milky Way Bridge was built to follow a natural path and allows visitors to journey comfortably. The name of the bridge takes from the famous Hantangang River and region of Cheorwon and adds eunhasu, or Milky Way, the path made of stars. 
- Address : 725-12, Jangheung-ri, Cheorwon-gun, Gangwon-do
※ Introduction Information
- Ccapacity :
- Experienceable age :
- Inquiries and Guides
• 1330 Travel Hotline: +82-2-1330
(Korean, English, Japanese, Chinese)
• For more info: +82-33-450-5365
- Open date :
- Parking : Available (small cars 300, large cars 80)
- Rest date : N/A (Open all year round)
- Use season :
- Use time
Weekdays 10:00-19:00 / Public holidays 10:00-21:00

철원 한탄강 은하수교_1
철원 한탄강 은하수교_2
철원 한탄강 은하수교_4

This work was created by the Korea Tourism Organization for 23 years and opened as the first type of public Nuri. You can download it for free from the Korea Tourism Organization,


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