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Snoopy Garden (스누피가든)

Snoopy Garden (스누피가든)

- Homepage :
- Tel : +82-64-903-1111
Snoopy Garden House is where visitors can meet Snoopy and friends from the popular American comic series "Peanuts." The themed halls designed under the overall theme of "Peanuts, Nature & Life" allows one to connect their everyday life through episodes from "Peanuts." Snoopy Garden House has a total of five themed halls and Peanuts Store.

- Address : 930 Geumbaekjo-ro, Gujwa-eup, Jeju-si, Jeju
※ Introduction Information
- Ccapacity :
- Experienceable age :
- Inquiries and Guides
- Open date :
- Parking :
- Rest date : N/A (Open all year round)
- Use season :
- Use time
[October-March] 09:00-18:00 (Last admission 17:00) / [April-September] 09:00-19:00 (Last admission 18:00)

- Available Facilities : Garden House: Themed halls, Cafe Snoopy, Peanuts Store

Outdoor garden: World-famous Author Square, PEANUTS Musing Field, etc.
- Admission Fees : Adults 18,000 won / Teenagers 15,000 won / Children 12,000 won

* Adults (ages 20 & over) / Teenagers (ages 14-19) / Children (ages 3 -13)

This work was created by the Korea Tourism Organization for 24 years and opened as the first type of public Nuri. You can download it for free from the Korea Tourism Organization,


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